Trellis & Vine

In a vineyard, a trellis is essential to lift the vine off the earth to maximize exposure to sunlight. There are thousands of different types of trellis. The trellis is a good analogy for the same need for order and structure in a local church. The vine branches represent the fluid organic life of relationships in Christ, the trellis the hard edge of inflexible order. The sap of the vine represents the agape flowing in the veins of the branches of the vine. And the grapes, the bounty from the trellis and vine working together.

  The cross or ‘stauros’ in the greek is a wooden device the Romans used for Crucifixion. In the trellis and vine analogy, the cross is well represented by the trellis and Christ, we know is the vine. The Cross is the inflexible structure that is needed to keep the vine upright. A healthy church needs the ordering of a “cruciformed life” and the dynamic and chaotic growth of the the Holy Spirit inspired life. Order and Chaos, if you will.

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